Water Now map

Water Now Map on 4 - 25 - 2024

Percentile legend
Low Less than 10 10 - 25 25 - 75 75 - 90 More than 90 High NoData

¡Ø There is no other information besides Han River and Nakdong River.

The definition of a water now map

Using the quartile reference value(25%, 75%) derived by statistical process from the past data, in order to figure out the present condition of outflow visually compared to previous data, the state of the amount of outflow is presented by the standard colors(red, green, blue) which are already converted to flux value through the Stage-Discharge Rating Curve at the point of the water level gauge station on the water resources unit map.

The purpose of the water now map

The water now map is devised to make it effective to manage the water resources and recognize the state of water supply and demand, noticing the situation of the quantity of flow across the nation at a glance. Current data about the Han river basin will be increased steadily with 5 Big river investigation project and DB which is progressing.

The material of water now map

  1. Set up first quartile(25%) and third quartile(75%) as a standard value after calculating quartile in a statistical analysis using the information of past daily quantity in each point.
  2. If the value of quantity is lower than 25% which is from statistical analysis or standard value, we set it up as a shortage of water condition(red color), 25% < Quantity < 75% is normal quantity(green color) and over 75% is abundant quantity(blue color). Low and high quantity mean that current quantity is lower and higher than all the past quantity.
  3. Daily-quantity which is compared to standard value is data of yesterday and calibration and validation of daily-quantity are not processed yet. Discharge quantile is calculated by information from 1962 to 2001. (The data can be different depends on the station, but all the station has All the data over 30 years)
  4. The color which indicates the state of the discharge is marked as the spot of observation of water level on the map. When we click this spot, the status of time series of discharge during one week can be shown as a graph.
  5. Discontinuity information caused by the dam has not been considered yet.