AD. 34~870(Shilla)
- 12 cases recorded in “Samguksagi” (historical books for Shilla history) and 15 cases in others
- Flood recorded by “Daesu(big flood) or Daewoo(heavy rainfall)”

AD. 45~598(Gogureo)
- Two cases recorded in “Samguksagi” (historical books for Gogureo history) and three cases in others
- Flood recorded by “Daesu(big flood) or Daewoo(heavy rainfall)”

AD. 221~612(Baekje)
- One case recorded in “Samguksagi” (historical books for Baekje history) and five cases in others
- Flood recorded by “Daesu(big flood) or Daewoo(heavy rainfall)”

Unified Shilla
- 21 cases of Drought, 17 cases of Famine

Kingdom of Korea
- 85 cases of heavy rainfall, 19 cases of big flood, 47 cases of Drought recorded in “Koreasa” (historical books for Korea history)

AD. 1441(Early Chosun dynasty)
- Water mark for measurement of river stages
- Rain gauge – the world first rainfall measuring appratus

AD. 1724~1776(Mid-Chosun dynasty)
- Flood forecasting of river using by water mark
- The oldest rain gauge in existence

AD. 1884(later Chosun dynasty)
- Rain gauge by Water storage type

AD. 1392~1910(Chosun dynasty)
- 671 cases of natural disasters recorded in “Chosunwangjosilrok” (historical books for Chosun history)

AD. 1987~1910(The Korea Empire)
- Established and operated temporary rainfall station in “Chesinguk”(old type Post office)
AD. 1915~1928
- Survey of weather, stage, discharge
- Survey stage stations by basins
- 11 rivers survey(1st)

AD. 1925
- Great flood occurrence in Seoul

AD. 1928~1939
- Published ‘Chosun river survey’(1929)
- Enactment of ‘Chosun enforcement decree of the river act’(1927)
- River survey(2nd)

AD. 1934
- Great flood occurrence(any other place in the southern)

AD. 1945~1961
- launched Hydrologic investigation work(1947)
- launched Water Resources Development by Technical support of ECAFE(1955)
- River Act was enacted(1961)

AD. 1962
- Published ‘Hydrologic data in korea’
- Created Water Resources Policy Bureau in Ministry of Construction

AD. 1965~1974
- The four major river basin survey
- The International Hydrological Decade(IHD)

AD. 1968
- Designated Han river basin as automatical flood forecasting and warning facilities(UN ECAFE/WMO Typhoon committee)

AD. 1974
- Han river Flood Control Office established and operated flood forecasting and warning facility

AD. 1979
- Enactment of hydrologic measurement service regulations

AD. 1980
- Enactment of the river design guideline

AD. 1987
- Nakdong river Flood Control Office established
- A great flood at Han river and Nakdong river

AD. 1990
- Geum river Flood Control Office established
- Seomjin river Flood Control Office established
- A great flood at Han river

AD. 1991
- Yeongsan river Flood Control Office established

AD. 1995
- Completed flood forecasting and warning facility at Anseong river

AD. 1998
- Installed flood forecasting and warning facility at Hyeongsan river
- Installed flood forecasting and warning facility at Sapgyo river

AD. 1999
- Installed flood forecasting and warning facility at Taehwa river
- Operated flood forecasting and warning system at Imjin river basin
- A great flood at Imjin river basin(August)

AD. 2000
- Integrated flood forecasting and warning system development

AD. 2001
- Installed flood forecasting and warning facilities, flood forecasting systems at principal branch rivers
- Installed flood forecasting and warning facility at Gap river

AD. 2002
- A great flood by typhoon Rusa(August)

AD. 2003
- Imjin River basin rain Rader observatory Operation

AD. 2004
- Published Hydrological survey manual
- WINS, WAMIS service open

AD. 2005
- Hydrological investigation advance five-year plan making
- The river information center of Han River Flood Control Office established

AD. 2006
- A great flood by typhoon and seasonal rain front(Han river, July)

AD. 2007
- NHQMS(National hydrologic data quality Management system) development
- Hydrological survey center established

AD. 2009
- beginning of construction of The four major river restore project
- Biseulsan rain Rader observatory established
- Hydrological investigation master plan making

AD. 2010
- Flood forecasting system development and improvement (2010 ~ 2012)

AD. 2011
- Sobaeksan rain Rader observatory established

AD. 2012
- Decided as a presidential country on hydrological service group

AD. 2013
- Conclusion of HRFCO∙KICT MOU

AD. 2014
- 40th anniversary for Flood Control of Korea
- Take place 3rd workshops for hydrological division in Typhoon committee